Imposes reform opportunities under US adverse tariff conditions!

New Reflections on U.S. Trade Barriers:Under the conditions of tariff growth: All the directors of cement and steel mills should take a look at my article: This is an opportunity to increase profits, reduce taxes, and discard opportunities for reuse.


New Reflections on U.S. Trade BarriersCourage to change, achievements in the future! The Opportunity for USA to impose tariffs on steel !

From the very moment when the United States suddenly increased its tariffs on steel and aluminum, Sino-US trade war, U.S. tariffs and the trade war between China  and the United States has already begun (but the tariffs are not aimed at China alone).

The United States began to impose metal tariffs on other countries

There is no doubt that this bill has caused great difficulties for the export and sales of steel companies. As a manager who is more concerned about the world steel market, I also saw some out-of-office opportunities. I think you can use these opportunities as a reference.In the ever-changing world, the survival environment of steel companies that rely on the production of steel to make profits is also very unstable. They are constantly affected by politics and already saturated production capacity. This is dangerous. I suggest that steel companies should adopt a diversified strategy, not only to increase product categories and technical content, but also to dare to jump out of this cruel pattern and adopt a different way of thinking to create revenue.

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The Chinese government has already begun to impose large environmental taxes on steel products such as steel mills, cement plants, and many other building materials and metallurgical industries. However, slag powder is a waste recycling project. For this reason, as long as a steel mill produces a slag powder production line, it can not only obtain slag. Micro-powder product sales profits can also avoid high environmental taxes! This is a good and effective way for steel mills to increase profits.

Therefore, I recommend that all large-scale #steel production group leaders should seriously consider that the company plans to increase value-added projects for steel slag and industrial waste residue. slag cement.GGBS Plant


As the countries of the world, especially the developing countries, accelerate the process of urbanization and increase investment in infrastructure construction. The cement and construction industry is still very hot, and new large-scale cement production lines have also been increasing.Steel companies can fully invest in, through the grinding and processing of industrial waste, blast furnace slag, steel slag, can be sold to cement companies with higher prices and profits. Blast furnace slag powder has become a necessary raw material for the production of special cement.

 important investment trend in iron and steel: "#GGBS plant""slag grinding plant"Ground granulated blast-furnace slag plant"

Application: steel slag /slag/Manganese slag/nickel slag/coal cinder/slag and so on