How to determine the output of a ggbfs(ggbs) grinding plant

1. Determination of annual output.

When a company determines the construction of a ggbfs grinding plant, the first is to determine the annual output.

Different industries have different principles for determining annual production.

Take steel plant as an example: The only principle for determining annual production is the output of quenching molten iron slag (a by-product of iron and steel-making) .

At present, the production line of slag powder vertical mill has reached an annual output of more than 2 million tons. When the output of slag is below 2 million tons per year, it is recommended that the steel mill choose a production line.

The larger the stand-alone equipment, the higher the output, the lower the power consumption and heat consumption, the lower the unit cost consumption, and the lower the overall cost, which will undoubtedly increase the market competitive advantage and improve the company's economic efficiency.

Building materials company to build slag powder production line, based on the market capacity principle and stable supply of raw materials sources, comprehensive planning and construction scale.

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2. Determination of unit output.

The determination of unit output is very important, directly related to equipment selection.

Equipment selection should take full account of the following factors:

(1) The slag vertical mill is not a device that can run continuously for a long time. It is necessary to stop the repair every 1500~1800h, usually 7 days for each repair and 35 days for the whole year.

(2) daily maintenance, inspection and maintenance, consider 2 times a month, 0.5 days each time, 12 days in total, unplanned (material supply is not timely, energy shortage, etc.) 8 days a year.

(3) 55 days of downtime throughout the year, running 310 days.

(4) Raw material slag can be stored in a large amount for a long time. The ore powder can not be stored for a long time, and there is no way to store it in large quantities. Generally, the finished product warehouse has a storage capacity of at most 7 days.

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Considering the above factors comprehensively, the downtime is eliminated, the running time is rationally calculated, the unit output is reasonably determined, and equipment selection is performed accordingly.

Xinxiang Great Wall Machinery Co., Ltd. can provide customers with the full range of vertical mill production design suitable for customers, from raw material testing to later production standards, to provide customers with EPC package service! Welcome new and old customers to consult and inspect!