In which season is the rotary kiln tyre easy to break?

Kiln tyre is a large round steel casting, mostly used in rotary kiln equipment. Due to its large volume, long production cycle, large force, and large torque, once the kiln tyre has quality problems, it will not only increase Enterprise maintenance costs, if serious, will also lead to kiln shutdown and replacement, which will affect the efficiency of finished products.

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Kiln tyre belts are large steel castings, and there are inevitably casting defects such as sand holes, slag inclusions, and inclusions. According to the survey, most of the origin of the cracks on the inside of the kiln tyre are blisters and slag. Under normal circumstances, the kiln is shut down for maintenance, and the temperature of the kiln body is reduced from 150-300℃ to atmospheric temperature. The entire kiln body will be shortened, causing uneven internal stress in the kiln tyre, and changing the point of action between the kiln tyre and the tug. The sudden start of the cold kiln caused brittle fracture of the tire belt that was in a low temperature brittle state. Kiln tyre belt brittle fracture at low temperature, mostly in winter and spring.

From the above description, it can be concluded that under low temperature conditions, a small stress is sufficient to cause brittle fracture of the kiln tyre.

Therefore, when the equipment is overhauled or medium repaired, it is necessary to avoid seasonal months when the temperature is below 0°C. Even during maintenance in winter, it is forbidden to rotate the kiln body suddenly without preheating at low temperature. When the kiln body must be rotated, heating measures should be taken at the tyre belt so that the temperature of the kiln tyre belt is not lower than 0℃ before the kiln can be turned.

In order to enhance the performance of the tires, Xinxiang Great Wall adopts the best dual-medium quenching process in the casting process. Each part is forged uniformly. It has the characteristics of high quenching hardness and high toughness, so that the kiln tyre has good wear resistance, can adapt to various harsh working environments.