In the cement production line, raw material preparation is a very important section. In this process, raw materials of different particle sizes will be ground by the grinding mill to reach a uniform fineness, so that they can fully produce chemical reactions with each other in the subsequent calcination. Grinding mill is the core equipment of raw material preparation, which will directly affect the production efficiency and quality of cement. In current cement plants, the vertical roller mill grinding system, roller press grinding system and ball mill grinding system are the most frequently used and most efficient grinding systems. Next, we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the cement vertical mill grinding system and the cement roller press grinding system.
Energy Consumption
After long-term operation, although unit raw material grinding power consumption of the cement roller press grinding system is still low, the indexes of the vertical roller mill grinding system is very close to it, among which the output power of the vertical mill and the roller press contribute the same value to the unit power consumption, about 7~8kWh/t.
With the increase of service time, the unit grinding power consumption of roller press is significantly higher than that of vertical mill, but the proportion of circulating fan in unit power consumption of vertical mill grinding system is much larger than that of roller press grinding system (Design calculation: the former is about 2.75 times of the latter. Actual measurement: the former is about 2 times of the latter.), while the change is very small. The motor of the circulating fan in the roller press grinding system has been running at full load, and its unit raw material power consumption in the early and late period has changed greatly (about 34% more than the design calculation).
System investment is one of the most concerned factors when customers choose a solution. For the vertical grinding mill and the cement roller press, there are too many manufacturers, the equipment configuration is different, and the price varies greatly.
The equipment cost of the two systems is equivalent, but the vertical mill system is relatively high by 400000 RMB. In structure, the roller press grinding system needs a smaller area, but the mainframe is high, the frame size is large, the support equipment is heavy, and there is a pit with a depth of 6m below. Besides, the secondary powder concentrator is set on the top floor and the cement roller press is set on the ground inside the frame. Therefore, if the natural foundation is adopted, there is a higher requirement for engineering geology. If the pile foundation is adopted, the cost of civil engineering is relatively high. The layout of the vertical mill grinding system requires a slightly larger area, and its civil cost mainly comes from two frames (the belt conveyor and bucket elevator frame and the cyclone separator frame), vertical roller mill and circulating fan. Although it adopts the light load frame and its size is small, the foundation of a vertical mill is larger than that of roller press. So the cost of the two systems in civil engineering is equal. Overall, the investment of the roller press grinding system is slightly lower than that of the vertical mill grinding system, but the difference is less than 5%.