
    1. Display of rotary kiln operation

      15 May,2018

      CHAENG Through the technology innovation, rotary kiln calcination system uses the world's most advanced hydraulic wheel device to solve the problems that traditional rotary kiln equipment temperature is not easy to control, product quality is not stable,
    1. Ball mill grinding workflow

      14 May,2018

      CHAENG energy-efficient ball mill equipment changed the original mill structure, it is possible to reduce energy consumption by 30%, capacity increased by 15-20%, it is widely used in cement silicate products, new building materials, refractory materials,
    1. New rotary kiln for cement/lime

      05 May,2018

      This rotary kiln is mainly composed of cylinder, supporting device, supporting device with catch wheel, transmission device, lubrication device, mobile kiln head and sealing device at the end of the kiln.